Frequently Asked Question
MyAssist MSME Portal is a Government initiative aims to assist SMEs in resolving their business-related problems and issues through the provision of business advisory and information, digital marketing opportunities and guidance, technology and business innovation support facilitation, business matching services, and various channels of online initiatives that are linked to implementing agencies under Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA).
Four components of MyAssist MSME Portal are:
i) Information Center
Collection and dissemination of information on incentives under the PENJANA Stimulus Package as well as SME development programs.
ii) Advisory Services
Advisory services from business counsellors, industry experts and related Agencies.
iii) Platform
Online and offline platform, focused on business counseling services; business matching sessions with Government-linked companies (GLCs), hypermarkets, overseas companies as well as other SMEs; eCommerce and e-Exhibition.
iv) Feedback Channel
Gathering feedback through direct interaction on the implementation of Government incentives and the current situation of SMEs.
MyAssist MSME Portal offers various online services such as:
- Measures to assist SMEs affected by COVID-19 & information related to business needs;
- Information on Entrepreneurship and SME development programmes;
- MatchMe: On-line business matching services that connects SMEs to Government-linked companies (GLCs), hypermarkets, large companies locally and internationally as well as other SMEs
- MeetMe: On-line business advisory session with SME Corp. Malaysia Business Counsellors; and
- Soal Usahawan: Series of online Pocket Talk on entrepreneurs & SMEs, featuring subject matter experts and resourceful speakers, SME Corp. Malaysia’s Business Counsellors as well as inspiring entrepreneurs.
Information regarding services offered in MyAssist MSME Portal are accessible via:
- www.myassist-msme.gov.my or
- MyAssist MSME Apps, downloadable from Playstore and Apple Store.
Users are required to register in order to access online facilities such as MatchMe, MeetMe and webinar sessions.
Information related to assistance by the Government on SME development programmes, online advisory session with SME Corp. Malaysia Business Counsellors (MeetMe) and Soal Usahawan series are available free of charge. Registration and access to the business matching platform (Match Me) is also available free of charge to SMEs, at the moment. However, there are platforms that charge affordable fees, such as paid Webinar sessions, whereby the charge depends on the organiser. For other services such as Access to Infra, Klinik Usahawan INSKEN and others, it is subject to the respective service provider.
Please follow the following steps:
- Click on Forgot Password;
- Click on Password icon;
- Select email confirmation option;
- Enter your email and enter the confirmation text as mentioned; and
- Click on “Reset” button to reset the password. Reset link will be sent to user’s email.
Any enquiries or suggestions can be submitted to MyAssist MSME Secretariat via:
- Enquiry Form at MyAssist MSME Portal or Apps;
- 1300-30-6000 infoline; or
- email enquiries/suggestions to info@smecorp.gov.my.